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Lean Office
Process automation

The definition of waste in the office goes one step further than the lean manufacturing definition, because any office activity that adds value or is necessary to perpetuate the business is considered waste, if it is still manually performed when it can be cost-effectively automated. The technique employed to eliminate this waste of manually performing required activities is referred to as administration automation.

Introducing Lean Office principles through automation has many benefits but most importantly:

  • Identify problem areas - By identifying problem areas and bottlenecks within an area they can be eliminated or significantly reduced by using automation techniques.

  • Increase business efficiency - Automation will have a significant impact on the efficiency of staff. You can ensure that all members of staff are spending time adding value to the business - and any time saved is redirected to value added tasks.

  • Save money - Reducing the overhead in manual information processing means that you may not have to take on additional administration staff.

  • Simplify processes - Processes can be time intensive and ultimately uncontrollable. Automation could replace an entire process with a single mouse click.

MS Office automation Services

Loughborough Accountants NCAT Solutions Ltd. help customers with the integration and automation of office information functions, including word processing, Excel data processing, e-mail etc.

The backbone of office automation is the reduction of user time to complete computerised office tasks and to eliminate human error found in manual data entry.

The majority of office functions, including record management, data extraction/analysis, email, reporting can be either automated fully or partially allowing interconnectivity between Microsoft Office applications and other back office systems and can all be driven through the use of Graphical User Forms to provide a familiar windows based interface.

We offer a range of consultancy and software development services to clients that reduce their operational overhead in both time and cost and we would be happy to assist you in achieving higher efficiency levels.

Between 2010 - 2011 we have saved businesses over 9000 man hours as a direct result of administration automation and waste elimination.

Work smarter, not harder.... Call us today.

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